Tuesday, November 24, 2015


By Melanie

I did the sea otter nails after I watched the YouTube video below. I changed the colors and it reminded me of a radioactive sea. It could be I have just been playing to much fallout but I think with the gold, blue, silver, and black colors it makes it look radioactive. you can always switch up the colors to any design and get a different look maybe one of these times it will look like an Andy Warhol piece. colors are always fun to play around with. I think this design is really cute and fun. I hope you try it!

Sea Otter Nails

Monday, October 12, 2015

Mickey Mouse Nails

I did this nail design for my sister in law and she loved it. It was harder than expected to get some things the same but I still think it turned out good. Next time I will do smaller and less dots on the poka doted nail. You can always decided to change things and make the design more personlized. 

Disney Mickey Mouse Inspired Nails ♥

Ice Cream Owl Nails

by melanie
This was one of my most fun nail arts. This was my first time using acrylic paint on nails. I painted my nails white first with regular nail polish then I painted on them with acrylic paint and topped it with a clear coat of nail polish. I think it turned out good and very bright. Acrylic paint is a lot easier to use then nail polish. I watched two you tube videos by cutepolish to figure out what to do and how.

Cute Owl Nail Art

Chocolate Sauce & Sprinkles Nail Art

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Newspaper nails

This is a really cute design. it is an easy design and it is one of those amazing looking nail design.

Newspaper Nail Art

Which matte is the best matte

photo by Melanie
In this picture I have done to different matte methods. I haven't cleaned up around my nails yet so don't pay any attention to that. The two different colored nails have matte polish on them and the middle and pointer finger I made the polish matte by putting them over steam while they were still wet and the thumb is the normal polish. I think the already matte polishes looked nicer and they were more matte then the steam ones.

photo by Melanie

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hair spray and nail art

photos by Melanie
this was a fun DIY. first you paint your nails with any nail polish. next you sharpie your nails. any design will do. then spray it with hair spray let it dry the dryer the better and lastly you just put a top coat on. it made it so easy to design using the sharpies. the hairspray I did not like using because afterward your nails smelled like hairspray for a little while. I think I was a little to impatient because mine smeared a little but no enough to bother me and it gave it a little more of the animal fur look to it. 

Leopard Nail Art

Nail Hack or Wack? Sharpie Nail Art

this is where I seen the sharpie nail idea.

Half & Half

By Melanie Sanchez
I love this nail design. I just painted all my nails half with one color and half with another color. I love it. I just think of them as my to faced nail. I am really loving the copper nail polishes right now and I like the copper paired with the red but I really cant take credit for this color combination because I bought a Revlon nail polish with these colors on both sides.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


by Melanie Sanchez
nail art studs are an easy way to vamp up you nails. there are many different designs and colors of studs. there easy to stick on and they stay on your nails for a long time. the only problem is if you chose colored studs like the ones that were on my nails is that after some wear and tare the color comes of little by little.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nail Biting

This video showed 5 ways to stop biting your nails. I  used the first method but instead of using a type of polish I used nail polish remover you still get the bad taste that discourages you from biting your nails. The polish would be better because you wouldn't have to reapply it at much as if you used nail polish remover. You just have to find the right trick for you and you can stop biting your nails to.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Now polish

photo by Melanie
When picking a polish brand can be important. I like the Milani nail polish it last longer but it depends what type of person you are. I look for durability and long lasting but if you change your polish more often you can go with any brand. I have different polishes from different brands and Milani is my favorite because they last long and Walmart has them for a little under a dollar.

photo by Melanie

Gel nail polish works good for some people. I love my gel polish that has to cure under the lamp but the problem with a lot of gel polish I found it not as durable as regular but I love that its just a couple of seconds under a lamp and its dry and ready to go. I tried the no lamp ones there about the same except you don't need the light and they take longer to dry. I even tried the off brand ones. I got them at dollar general and I do like them better because the off brand ones are more like regular nail polish so its more the best of both worlds and its gains more durability.
photo by melanie
The lamp is normally expensive but I found this one online for five. It is a one at a time light but I knew I wasn't going to be doing gel polish a lot, so I was going for as cheap as possible and it just comes with a cord to plug it in your laptop or out it. This one has to be plugged in to use it.

fix and protect the nail

when all your polish is gone its a good time to fix the little groves and bumps in your nails. you can use the standard files or you can get one of these nail sanders. I like the nail sander better because it works fast and does a better job at sanding.

after sanding you will also want to but an base coat down to help protect the nail. and after you paint your nail you have to remember the to coat to lock in the design. and there are three different top coats. first fast dry I mostly use fast dry the faster it dries the less likely for it to mess up. then there's the standard clear coat that leaves a shiny coat and lastly matte that takes away all the shine. always remember the top coat.

Prep Your Nails Perfectly!

Cleaning Up

photo by Melanie
since I put a nail polish post up I need to talk about nail polish removers. when you want to clean your nails you have some options like acetone or no acetone? I personally use to pick the non-acetone ones till I tried the polish removing wipes. these wipes are better to me because they don't have as harsh of chemicals as the others and they leave no gross residue on your hand that even after you wash your hands they still taste like polish remover. the wipes come in different scents and are not as harsh on my skin and they leave no gross taste on your fingers.

NEW & EASIER Way to Remove Glitter Nail Polish?!

The Accent Nail

photo by Melanie
The accent nail is the easiest and most popular right now. it is simply changing one nail so it is different. I painted my nail on my ring finger on both of my hands black. It my just seem to simple but it really does change the look of your polish to a more thought out look. I would always suggest that you think it through and plan what your gong to do before hand. last minute changes don't always work out. try to also think about if the colors look good together.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Nail Art supplies

photo by Melanie
 lets get started with the first step getting supplies. Nail supplies is important depending what type of nail art you are going to do. these are just some of the supplies I use to create nail art. you can have easy quick nail art with just some tools.

this is a map of places you can go to go get supplies and cheap is good so never count out dollar tree. Walmart can have almost every thing you need with out the high price point. if you are looking for more higher quality there is always Sally's. Sally's has good high quality products but you have to spend more money. lots of stores will have clearances, so you can find some products cheaper. even if you go into dollar tree some times you can find name brand products for cheap.

Nail Art Kit Essentials!

vamp up you nails intro

photo by Melanie
Hi I am Melanie Sanchez. I have been painting my nails since I was young and I have always loved it. I am the artsy type and I love taking the time to actually design my nails. I have tried most methods of decorating nails. I avidly watch YouTube and practice to increase my skill.
photo by Melanie
These are some of the nail art I did. Each photo uses different techniques to achieve a desired effect. I hope I can help you learn about nail art and I hope you try some for yourself.